Text on image reads, Summer Camps, K-12 Register

What’s Happening

Online Ticketing- Purchase your sports tickets online for the 24-25 season
Cedar Ridge Bell Schedule Click Here
round rock isd chromebook payments, click here
click here for student technology help website

VOE (Verification of Enrollment) Form

**VOE requests will be available for pick up the student’s assistant principal (AP) office after 10:00 AM. Please allow 3-5 school days for your request to be completed.**

Last Name Room
A – LE A212
LI-Z C212

Transcript Request Form

Final transcripts are not available until the end of June.  For current students, we do not process transcripts between May 25th – June 25th, as during this time the district is processing grades and updating transcripts.

Registrar’s website

Information regarding parking is available on our CRHS Parking Website.

2024-2025 Parking Information will be posted closer to the first day of school, Tuesday, August 13, 2024. 

Please contact cedarridge_parking@roundrockisd.org if you have parking related questions.

Supplies are class-specific, so there is not a school supply list for Cedar Ridge High School. Bring a notebook and a pen (or your chromebook) for the first two days. Teachers will share with students what supplies they will need for their class. 

Click here to view Round Rock ISD’s Freshman Four-Year planning and see how your student can gain an associate degree, college credit, and career certifications while earning their high school diploma at little or no cost!

Campus News


District News